
Assassins Creed Image

AC Valhall: Wrath of the Druids - 1st impressions

So far I've been having a good time with this dlc. I may be slightly biased, living in the city where you first step ashore. Apart from the novelty factor of trying to find the rough location of my flat in the 9th Century game world, does seem like simply more of what Assassin's Creed Valhalla already had to offer, with some variety added by the new druidic faction & their hallucinogenic form of combat. That may be a good or a bad thing depending on where you stand. I did find myself getting worn out by a lot of the busy work in the previous entry, Odyssey. I'm finding nothing that's putting me off so far, so we'll see how it goes when I get around to a full review.

Mass Effect Image

Mass Effect: Legendary Edition - 1st impressions

I'm having an absolute blast retracing Shepard's adventures in glorious HD. The 3 studios involved have done an excellent job remastering the series, given their constraints. It really does have the effect of turning your rose-tinted nostalgic memories into reality....After a few hours you also start to realise the quality of stroytelling present in the game is somthing that's not really present anymore in modern gaming, with the chase for ever larger open worlds & reliance on procedural gerneration for npc quests & adventures. There's some amazing storytelling here & I only hope it will inspire some younger players experiencing it for the first time, who then perhaps go on to become devs themselves. Anyway, like I stated already, I'm having an absolute blast, even if I know it'll probably take me another year or so to complete. I will be back with a review at that stage, but I'm going to take my time and enjoy it